
Goerge, and unity park.Flag

The flag is green, yellow and red horizontal stripes with a blue circle in the center. On the blue circle is a yellow star. The star represents the unity of the people.



 mountains natinal park: a stunning mountain range, the seimiens have some of the best views , wildlife and lodges in the country. Danakil: a volcanic wilderness,the  Danakil  Depression in the remote northwest of Ethiopia is on the planet,and the most visually staggering. 



There are currently 123.4 million people in Ethiopia. 13 million of them are under the age of 5. The main religions in Ethiopia are Ethiopian Orthodoxy, P’ent’ay, Roman Catholic and Islam. 



Amharic is the most widely spoken and written language in Ethiopia. As of 2018, Amharic was


spoken by 31.18million native speakers in Ethiopia. In school, children are taught and must learn English.

Cultural foods
One of The Traditional foods are tibs, tibs are a popular food in Ethiopia stew that is sprinkled with Berber, an Ethiopian spice blend and other ingredients.

Why are friends important?

Why are friends important? We have friends to not be lonely you might have bffs which stands for best friends forever having a best friend is special have 3 best friends I’ve been friends with them ever since when i was year 3 to year five friends should trust each other friends dont make fun of each other Friend are the best. I’m so lucky to have friends like Rose, Channah, Katalina, and Holeva are the bestestfriends I can trust them and can tell them what’s wrong. Friends are a special relationship with others so this is why friends are Important.

stormy night

One stormy night I was trying to sleep but woke up with a tingle down my spine. I looked out my window BANG! The lightning flash. The rain was raining harder this time the lightning was purple it was giving me goosebumps it looked scary I hid underneath my blanket my eyes were watering my head was spinning and i was sweating It was getting Hot Flash! As the rain was poured harder I walked in the dark hallway shivering In got to the kitchen and gt a sandwich and dashed down the hole way making in time to hide under my blanket and eating my sandwich until step by step someone was walking down the hole way there was a creak and a last step then…to be continued…..

The best expirement

Did you know that Maungawhau  used to be a volcano? On Monday we were learning how to make a volcano, it was exciting for me because I love science. First we got into groups of 5-6. Next we split into different groups and my group chose to go underneath the shade. Next we got sand and built a mountain. Then we put this skinny looking tube and put baking soda and food coloring and the last thing was water. We shook it until it was light red. We all put the jar inside our mountain, after that the last ingredient was the vinegar we were counting up to 3, 2, 1, boom! It was like real lava and it was really bubbly. It was cool and tiring at the same time, I’ve ever had I so much fun.




What is a land form?

On Monday we were learning how to make different kinds of land forms at our school.

First we got into groups of 5- 6, my group was Talia, Rose, Rachel, Ivory, and Rosey. After that we gathered up some materials. Our materials were: tray, scissors, paper, pen, sand, spoon,fork, and a plastic glass cup.

Next we went to a sensible spot to work in. We tried some land forms to look at. Then one land form caught my eye, it was a valley. I was sure no one else could do it. What we did was go to the sand pit. We gathered the sand into our tray. We poured the sand half way because there would be too much sand in our tray and the water wouldn’t be able to stay for a long time. My group went and worked together. Something went wrong as we poured the water inside our tray it was breaking apart and the time was up and our valley was all messed up.

It was sad and funny at the same time.




.1 cup of flour 

.1 cup of rolled oats

.2 tablespoons of water

.⅔ cup desiccated coconut

.⅔ cup brown sugar

.2 tablespoons of golden syrup

.y2 tablespoons of baking soda

.125 grams of butter



.y2 teaspoons

.2 tablespoons

.⅔ cup

.1 cup



.wash your hands .preheat the oven to 160’c

.mix dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, coconut, baking soda, brown sugar and rolled oats and golden syrup

. melt butter in the microwave

.combine wet ingredients with dry ingredients

.use your hands to measure and roll small amounts of dough

.grab dough and  make a little ball  flatten with hands then place the ball onto the baking tray and 

.Then place the baking tray in the oven for 15 minutes

.then take out the baking tray and place on a cooling rack

and enjoy! 🙂

Air pollution Articles.

Air pollution can directly affect the water and soil. It affects plants, especially young. It can affect our lungs and it’s bad for our environment too. Smoke causes cancer, Heart disease, stroke lung disease and, diabetes , It mostly affecting our health. Smoke can irritate the airways causing coughing and diabetes,and a scratching throat It is irritating stinging eyes. A running nose, if you have heart or lung disease , The smoke .Will It will make your symptoms worse . Protect yourself from bad air pollution.

The scary doll

“Ah” I gasped, I was in a dark cabin . It seems like this is a kids room with a ballet doll dancing. I think that was cool. Suddenly the ballet doll was singing. Her eyes turned red and I discovered that it wasn’t a doll it was a human just angry. The doll had a mysterious smile. This doll was five feet high, the eyes were buttons so whenever they had emotions her eyes or should I say buttons turn to different colors . Her clothes were ripped, she looked  like a manikin . Her shoes were ripped and her hair was red velvet, her socks were torn into pieces and her smile was knitted. Crack, crack there was cracking. The cracking wouldn’t stop. Crack crack, it stopped but someone was breathing on my shoulder. I ran with fear but there was nowhere out. This was a problem for me because I get scared easily. There was a mysterious creature, it was blue and had darkness in its eyes. It is so cute to me but I wonder what will happen if I touch it.


Yay ! I shouted with joy. there is a scavenger hunt but an amazing one. I went and picked my partners

they were Sulia, Ivory,and last but not least is Fonanga. The first one that I found easy was counting the planks counting the planks was so easy for me but not for my partners  they were 49 planks all together. wow! I said I’ve never counted that many planks on the deck before the next one was oh! That’s not far i said my team already did it already so since they did the second one then I said lets work together and they agreed so we all did the piggy bag one altogether then after we were running out of time so we took a photo of the then we did the next one this one was my favuorite draw something with a crayon and take a picture of our drawing