Goerge, and unity park.Flag

The flag is green, yellow and red horizontal stripes with a blue circle in the center. On the blue circle is a yellow star. The star represents the unity of the people.



 mountains natinal park: a stunning mountain range, the seimiens have some of the best views , wildlife and lodges in the country. Danakil: a volcanic wilderness,the  Danakil  Depression in the remote northwest of Ethiopia is on the planet,and the most visually staggering. 



There are currently 123.4 million people in Ethiopia. 13 million of them are under the age of 5. The main religions in Ethiopia are Ethiopian Orthodoxy, P’ent’ay, Roman Catholic and Islam. 



Amharic is the most widely spoken and written language in Ethiopia. As of 2018, Amharic was


spoken by 31.18million native speakers in Ethiopia. In school, children are taught and must learn English.

Cultural foods
One of The Traditional foods are tibs, tibs are a popular food in Ethiopia stew that is sprinkled with Berber, an Ethiopian spice blend and other ingredients.

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